viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

A la ronda de San Miguel!

Esta noche jugué al jenga en un bar con mi prima, un amigo de mi prima y los amigos del amigo (well you know)
La cuestion es que Carla (mi prima) y yo sabiamos perfectamente cuando nos tocaba jugar, pero estos chicos CADA vez que les tocaba miraban con cara de sorprendidos y decian ¿¿¿me toca a mi???.
COME ONNNN nunca jugaste a un juego por turnos? es fácil, vamos en ronda despues del que esta a tu derecha te toca a vos!y fue asi durante las ultimas 7 rondas querido, OBVIO QUE TE TOCA A VOS!

Sorry me pusieron nerviosa, igual todo bien.

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

domingo, 25 de julio de 2010

love letter

Letter from Scott Fitzgerald to his soon to be wife

Please, please don't be so depressed -- We'll be married soon, and then these lonesome nights will be over forever -- and until we are, I am loving, loving every tiny minute of the day and night -- Maybe you won't understand this, but sometimes when I miss you most, it's hardest to write -- and you always know when I make myself -- Just the ache of it all -- and I can't tell you.
If we were together, you'd feel how strong it is -- you're so sweet when you're melancholy.
I love your sad tenderness -- when I've hurt you -- That's one of the reasons I could never be sorry for our quarrels -- and they bothered you so -- Those dear, dear little fusses, when I always tried so hard to make you kiss and forget --

there's nothing in all the world I want but you -- and your precious love -- All the material things are nothing. - I'd just hate to live a sordid, colorless existence -- because you'd soon love me less -- and less -- and I'd do anything -- anything -- to keep your heart for my own -- I don't want to live -- I want to love first, and live incidentally -- Why don't you feel that I'm waiting -- I'll come to you, Lover, when you're ready -- Don't don't ever think of the things you can't give me -- You've trusted me with the dearest heart of all -- and it's so damn much more than anybody else in all the world has ever had --

How can you think deliberately of life without me -- If you should die -- O Darling -- darling Scott -- It'd be like going blind. I know I would, too, -- I'd have no purpose in life -- just a pretty -- decoration.
I feel like you had me ordered -- and I was delivered to you -- to be worn -- I want you to wear me, like a watch -- charm or a button hole boquet -- to the world. And then, when we're alone, I want to help -- to know that you can't do anything without me.

jueves, 22 de julio de 2010

Todo lo malo pasa en Pilar

Papá esta en Adrogue y llama preguntando por un robo con rehenes en el Banco Nacion de Pilar.
En casa Jose, mamá y yo mirando la cobertura de telered canal pilar, pensamos por fin tienen beneficios (tienen la mejor imagen, la mejor ubicación) y "Javi por favor ni te acerques"

miércoles, 21 de julio de 2010

Number one

Bueno, la cuestión es asi: tengo un blog "secreto", tengo un blog "profesional", tengo un blog compartido con una amiga (desactualizado) y tengo un blog de la materia taller de diseño, para el instituto.
So, tengo muchos blogs y ninguno para que me lean o whatever, asique siguiendo la costumbre de mi buen amigo Sam, intentare hacer un blog duradero para compartir con quien quiera.
That's it for now
greetings for you all